Friday, May 27, 2011

Two Years Old

I am sitting here in COMPLETE disbelief that I am now the Mama to a TWO year old. Seriously…where have the last two years even gone?

Two years ago, we were laughing and talking and taking pictures (I’m pretty sure these are the last pictures I have ever looked well rested in…just sayin’) and getting ready to meet our sweet girl.


As HAPPY as I was to FINALLY be having my baby (can we say MISERABLE pregnancy?!), we were all VERY nervous about how healthy she would be. Everyone assumed she would be immediately taken to the NICU (She was born at 35 weeks, 4 days), and we were all just hoping for the best. Well, we certainly got the best! Addie came out screaming her little tiny lungs out. The NICU team grabbed her up, checked her out, and said she didn’t need them at all. Right before they headed out of the OR, one of the NICU nurses told me that to be such a tiny little thing, and so strong, I was going to have my hands full. If only she knew how right she was…


Addie was born Wednesday morning at 9:15 am. I was NOT about to stay in the hospital for one second more than I had to, so I convinced them to let us take all 4 lbs. 11 oz of baby home with us Friday morning.


(please notice that her head is the size of one of the lenses on Ry’s sunglasses. she was TINY! why on earth they trusted us to take her home and keep her alive all by ourselves is still beyond me…)



3 months


6 months


9 months


One year


15 months


18 months


21 months


Two years


I still just can not believe you are already TWO! You have more energy than any child I’ve ever met in my life. You LOVE to make people laugh, even if it means pretending to fall on the floor while yelling “uh oh” at the top of your lungs. You LOVE to watch Dora, and make us giggle as you sing along with the songs. You sing all the time. You adore being outside. You love to do anything artsy, especially painting. You LOVE Elias with all your little heart, and talk about him constantly. You HATE thinking you’re missing out on anything fun, and will keep yourself up until all hours of the night if you think there’s a party going on without you. You are VERY dramatic, and it makes us laugh, which makes you mad. You love Sassy, as well as any other animal you see. You can tell us what just about any animal says, however, your kitty cat “meow” is by far the most entertaining, and our favorite. You never stop talking, even when we have no idea what on earth you are saying. You don’t like strangers, but it doesn’t take you too long to warm up to people. You like to pick out your own clothes, but we don’t let you unless we are staying home that day, as your fashion sense is questionable at best. You love shoes and all things girly, but are the first person to sit down in the dirt with a firetruck to play. You keep us on our toes every minute of every day.

Your Daddy and I can NOT imagine life without you. You are absolutely the best thing to ever happen to us, and we love you more than anything in the whole entire world. Happy Birthday my sweet girl.

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