Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ballet…Week 5

This week GiGi was in town and came with us to watch Addie in her ballet class.

Addie and GiGi before heading to class.


GiGi found the first 5 minutes of chaos as amusing as I did. The girls are all crying and clinging to their mothers for dear life as they’re peeled off one by one  and put in the class. And then they’re all fine. However, it is QUITE funny to watch.

I made the mistake of letting Addie have her sunglasses in the car. I should have known better, because anyone who knows her KNOWS she wasn’t going to let me, or anyone else, take them off of her. So she wore them. All.the.way.through.class. Ha.



1 comment:

  1. I love this post --- and this little girl!!
