Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

This year (as last year) we had to stay home for Christmas so Ryan could work (although he did actually take a couple of days off! Yay!). Luckily, my family came to stay with us and celebrate. We have had SO MUCH FUN. I think it's safe to say that the adults are just as excited, if not more, than the girls. Liz and I tried to keep the girls as busy as possible all day in hopes of an early bedtime. (And, it actually worked!) 
They started out the morning by finding Jingle Bells and Holly (Penny's elf) swinging from the chandelier above Addie's table. This was their last night here until next year, but it's been fun. 

Later in the morning, we went on a Bear Hunt with Granddaddy. The girls rode in the wagon most of the way.

These girls LOVE their Granddaddy. It's so sweet. And it reminds me of when I was little and my Granddaddy would take us on fun adventures like this. :)

Checking for Bears.

Collecting pinecones to put in their pockets.

Checking out Bear City. We saw it in the distance once we got to a cliff in the woods.

Sweet Cousins.

After our Bear Hunt, we still had lots of afternoon to fill. Liz and I stayed home with the girls while everyone else went to the Christmas Eve service at a friend of my parent's church. They said it was amazing, hopefully next year, the girls will be old enough to go and sit through it!

We made salt dough ornaments for Addie and Penny to paint. They turned out fun. Can't wait to stick them on our trees next year!

We went and sprinkled our reindeer food in the driveway so they would have something to snack on while Santa was delivering presents.

The girls made sure that they spread it our for all the reindeer.

Then they taste tested some of the cookies we made for Santa.

After everyone got home from church, we opened our Schweizer Name gifts. This year's theme was socks. I got a cute bag and some socks from Aunt Kristen, but somehow managed not to get a picture of it.

Addie opening her gift from Uncle Alex.

She got an adorable sock monkey. Which she named Socks. That girl is original, huh. Along with some cute tights! She has dragged Socks everywhere with her the past few days.

GiGi got a cute ornament from Micah.

Granddaddy playing with the sock puppets that he and Penny got from the Brannons.

Ryan and Chris with their socks from Jeff's family.

Telling us she loves Socks.

Liz got a cute flower pot from Haylee.

Granddaddy was having way too much fun with the sock puppets.

Then we put out cookies and milk for Santa. 

After all that excitement, it was time for Addie to open her last Advent book. She opened The Night Before Christmas, and Granddaddy read it to her and Penny before they headed upstairs to bed. 

After the girls headed to bed, we set up the living room. Santa got there just in time to fill stockings and leave the girls their one present each they had asked for.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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